Playback Editor

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Playback Editor

The Playback Editor is your main editing window for building a timeline and arranging your show

All content (audio, video, devices) in a sequence or playlist is arranged in Clip Containers.

Clip Containers can be moved around freely, as they are not time-locked like in common video editing suites.

Use individual tracks to arrange and layer your Clip Containers.


User Interface

The Playback Editors UI is timeline based.

Arrange and layer your Clip Containers using separate tracks

Cues are markers that have various functions in show control






shows current Playback time/position



marker/step on the timeline



arranging and sorting the layering hierarchy of Clip Containers in a sequence - top track is the first layer, always visible


Clip Container

host for different types of content, settings or devices


Playback and Playback Provider Selection



Activate Playback

Default: on
Switch off to deactivate a playback. When deactivated, no content is rendered.


Playback Selection

Drop-down menu allows the selection of separate playbacks.


Playback Provider

Shows the playback provider of this playback.
Drag a sequence or playlist from Project Explorer and drop them into this field.

Playback and Cue Control



Transport Buttons:

Play, Pause, Stop

Starts, pauses and stops the playback.

Stop button: playhead jumps back to the beginning of the sequence.


Current Playback Time

Shows the current timecode of the playback / the playhead's current position.

Double-click to enter a time and the playhead will jump there.


Count-Down To Next Cue

Shows the remaining time until the next, upcoming cue.


Cue Number Status:

Previous | Next

Shows the playback's position by cue numbers: Cue number before the playhead | and upcoming cue number.


Add Cue

Click to create a new cue at current playhead position.
Continuous numbering of cues starts for each Playback with No 1. Number increases with every additional cue created.


Go to Previous/ Next Cue

Playback jumps back to previous / or forward to next upcoming cue on the timeline.


Select a Cue

Jump to Cue

Fade to Cue

Drop-down selection of a cue to jump or fade to. Alternatively, just enter a cue number and confirm with ENTER to jump.
Makes the playhead jump to the cue selected in the drop-down menu. Renderer instantly shows content at cue position.

Makes the playhead fade to the cue selected in the drop-down menu. Renderer crossfades to content at cue position.

When using the FadeToCue command, the playhead will jump to the new point on the timeline, while its "ghost" will remain at the old position for the duration of the crossfade.

When using the FadeToCue command, the playhead will jump to the new point on the timeline, while its "ghost" will remain at the old position for the duration of the crossfade.

The duration of the crossfade can be set in the sequence's settings in advanced mode inspector under Fade To Time.

FadeToCue and FadeToTime are essentially the same functions.

Layout Options and Quick Access





Zooms in or out of the timeline at position of the playhead.  


Zoom Reset

Zoom To Item

Zooms out completely.

Zooms in on selected item(s).


Auto Scroll

Playback-Editor-AutoScroll-OFF off: default
Playback-Editor-AutoScroll-Follow follow: sequence window refreshes when playhead runs past the displayed portion of the timeline.

Playback-Editor-AutoScroll-Center   center: the running playhead continuously stays in the center of the sequence window.


Track Height

click once to minimize/ maximize height of selected track(s), and double-click to adjust all tracks.


Add Track on Top / at Bottom

Adds a new track above or below.


Cut all Clip Containers

Edits (cuts) all Clip Containers at current playhead position.

Programmer and Playback Mixing Engine



Programmer Selection

When working in Programmer Mode, select the programmer to work with ( e.g. Live or Preview)


Switch Playback Mixing Enginge (PME) between Live und Preview(s)

Switch whether your Playback editor should show the live environment or if you want to work in a Preview
Grey (Default) - Live state
Orange: Preview State


Track Live PME

When enabled and swapping live and preview PMEs, the editor window always follows the live PME.


The Playback Editor comes with an smart snap function that will help you with the correct positioning of Clip Containers and cues

Orange labels show you the details of what you're currently snapping to.

Clip Container2 snaps to Cue2

Clip Container2 snaps to Cue2


By default the snapping is enabled to all elements

You can customize it to your needs


Right-Click with your mouse at any position into the Playback Editor and open the Context Menu

Select "Snap to" and customize

Working with the Playback Editor

all content and all devices are arranged in clip containers

clip containers can be plotted and layered on tracks, as well as moved freely between tracks

a Canvas or output can be assigned as render target to each clip container - independent from the clip containers order on a track

the top track is rendered on top (when the default settings of a clip container are used)

Live and Preview Mode


As with the render editor, any playback editor has got two possible modes: live and preview.

The default mode is live mode:  a blue colored playhead shows the playback's position at the live output.


The playback editor in preview mode

is highlighted with an orange border

has got an orange colored playhead

shows the live mode playhead's position in a pale shade of blue.


Click here for further reading on Playback Mixing Engine (PME).

Keyboard Shortcuts

Each editor window in VERTEX has got a varying set of shortcuts that are automatically created and updated.

Press Shift-F1 to open a list of shortcuts corresponding to the current window/ editor in focus.

Focus Playback Editor and Press F1 Key. A window with all available shortcuts for your Sequence opens.

Focus Playback Editor and Press F1 Key.
A window with all available shortcuts for your Sequence opens.




Examples of Common Workflows:


drag and drop content or devices on a track and automatically create a corresponding Clip Container.

Video FX or Geometry Modifiers can only be dropped on top of a Clip Container.

select a Clip Container and edit all properties in the Inspector

Pin a certain clip container to a new Inspector to edit properties


add a track (go to context menu by right-click)

Move Clip Containers on a track or between tracks ( grab Clip Container with your mouse and move it around)

snap Clip Containers to the playhead


push or pull with the mouse on the edge of a Clip Container to change its length

draw a multi selection rectangle with your mouse to select multiple containers to edit

Copy/ paste Clip Containers (context menu or shortcuts)


Double-click on a clip container to edit Keyframes

insert a specific time between clip containers (go to context menu by right-click)