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•To give you full flexibility, VERTEX comes with a 3-step model for arrange and play out content
•Choose whether you want to compose your content into a timeline based sequence or arrange it with a cue based playlist
•Create multiple playbacks that can each host a sequence or a playlist
•Use the Playback Mixing Engine as a Video Mixer and decide whether you your playbacks should go to your live output or to a preview.
•Independently from your preferred style of content composing (Playlist or Sequence): All your content is positioned into a Canvas
•To learn more about the Canvas, please read Canvas and Surface model into chapter System Basics
•or read more about the details into the follow up chapter Canvas or Surface
VERTEX gives you full flexibility to choose a way how to arrange your content: into a timeline based sequence or into a playlist.
These so-called "Playback Providers" each have a defined length and are hosted by a Playback.
Learn more about a Sequence
Learn more about a Playlist
A Playback is the host for your Playback Provider - a Sequence or a Playlist
The Playback handles play , pause and stop. It defines the mode how your Playlist or Sequence is played (Loop, Once, Reverse)
and is responsible for timecode handling. Each Playback has a mixing level to fade in or out.
You are able to switch a Playback Provider of a Playback and change it from Sequence to e.g. a Playlist or another Sequence.
When you create a new Sequence or a Playlist, VERTEX automatically creates a new Playback for you.
Learn more about a Playback and its settings:
PMEs are the lowest level and host all Playbacks into a project - when looking with the terms of a video mixer: PMEs are your master groups or faders
Each PME hosts all Playbacks of your project.By Default there are 2 PMEs: Live and Preview. You can decide if your Content should be played out to live or if you want to show it into a Preview. Or Mix Preview and Live.
Later on, into the next main chapter you will learn more about PMEs -
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