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VERTEX differs between Preview Audio for e.g. Preprogramming and Live Audio for final Playout

Volumes can be set for a Clip Container/Clip or for a whole System

There are different options to route Audio Channels and do Audio settings for a Clip Container or a Clip

Preview and Live Audio

There is a main difference between preview audio and live audio:


Preview Audio

Preview audio plays out all audio from all playback mixing engines - That includes all playbacks in PME live and all playbacks in one (or maybe more) preview PMEs.

Preview audio is played out from every system in your project.

Live Audio

Live audio plays out only audio from playbacks that are running in PME Live.

Live audio is played out by a defined audio system that can be set for a canvas or for a whole system.

By default live audio is played out for all canvases on the same system. It is possible to define one audio system per canvas.
For more information about Audio Card /Audio Interface Settings and
Audio properties and settings on Vertex System level, please also read the Audio Out and Audio Playback Chapters

Audio Settings for a Clip Container or a Clip

For a Clip Container in a Sequence or a Clip in a Playlist there are different options to set or route Audio.
To see all available Audio settings for an item, select the "Audio"-Tab in the Inspector


Add or Exchange Audio

When working with a Video that has embedded Audio Tracks, VERTEX first always uses the Audio that comes with your Video.
In this case the Audio Property field is emtpy.
When you want

to exchange an Audio track for a Video

to add an Audio track to a Video that has no Audio thus far

Drag an Audio Content from Project Explorer to the Audio Property field.Clear Audio via the Context-menu and a right-click with your mouse.


Sets the Volume for a Clip Container/Clip.
You are able to set individual volumes for each ClipContainer/Clip

Channel Routing

With an easy syntax you have access to the VERTEX Audio Matrix and are able to route Audio Channels of a ClipContainer/Clip
to Output Channels of your Audio Output Card/ Audio Interface.
By default the Audio Mapping is set to 1:1
For a Video with a Stereo Audio Track this means:
Channel 1 is routed to Channel 1 of the Output.
Channel 2 is routed to Channel 1 of the Output.
You are able to change this routing.
When you want to route Channel 1 of your Video to Audio Output Channel 7
and Channel 2 to Output Channel 8, the routing syntax is:



The Syntax for an Audio Routing is


To reset a routing, just type in:



Use Track Channel Map

For a Track of a Sequence you also can create a Channel Map
When the "Use Track Channel map" check-mark is set for a Clip Container, this Clip Container uses the Track Channel Routing
When check-mark is not set (default), the Clip Container routing is taken into account.

Audio Offset

With help of the Audio Offset parameter you can play the audio track of a Clip Container/Clip earlier or delayed to a video
Values are in millisecond.
To play Audio earlier: add negative values
to play Audio later than Video: add positive values

Follow up Chapters for Audio

Configure Audio Outputs

Audio Playback