<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Getting Started > Create your first project > Manage Content > User Properties |
•Users can customize key properties of all VERTEX items for ease of management and a convenient workflow.
•User Properties can be set in the Inspector and include:
•Name, ID, color and even notes
•You can add notes for every item of your VERTEX Project
•Notes are shown as child elements of the "User Properties" into Inspector
•Just double click into the value field to enter a new value
•The ID of a content is displayed into Project Explorer as number for each item
•For Clip Containers, the ID is displayed as number for each Container into playback editor
•be careful when changing this ID!
•Enter a custom name for your project item
•When rename an item into Project Explorer (via context menu or via Shortcut "F2") this name also is set as name property into User Properties
•Custom User Colors increase your Project's visual outline in the user interface
•Items with a customized User Color are easier to distinguish in the Project Explorer
•User Colors on Clip Containers and Tracks will quickly improve your orientation in the layout of a Playback Editor.
•Assign Tags to project items to order them by subject
Feature is prepared but will come in a future VERTEX release
This functionality will come with future VERTEX releases and is not fully implemented yet.