SMPTE IO Interface Configuration

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SMPTE IO Interface Configuration

ioversal offers a driverless plug and play USB SMPTE interface to input or output SMPTE timecode:



informationPurchase a SMPTE LTC USB Interaface
You can buy a SMPTE IO directly on through one of our affiliates.


ioversal's SMPTE interface needs to be configured before first use.

Channel ID Settings are stored on the USB-Interface. Once configured for a project, the interface can be plugged and played.

1.go to Main Menu -> Windows -> SMPTE IO Configuration

2.connect the SMPTE IO interface to one of your local Systems USB ports and this interface will now be listed

3.go to Mode drop-down and select "In" if you you want to receive timecode. For generating timecode,  all Out options allow you to choose the correct frame format.

4.set a Channel ID for the interface - you will need this ID later to specify which interface sends or receives your timecode.
When working with more than one  SMPTE IO Interfaces, each interface needs a unique ID.


