Network Ports & IP Addresses

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Network Ports & IP Addresses

VERTEX uses the following network ports and IP addresses:


TimeServerPort = 50001

DataSyncServerPort = 50002

ContentSyncServerPort = 50003

WiringMeshServerPort = 50004

SystemTimeServerPort = 50005

DiscoveryPort = 51111

BgsCommunicationPort = 50006

BgsAdminCommunicationPort = 50016

RemotingPort = 50007

DmxRepeaterPort = 50008

EvoRequestReceivePort = 50101

EvoNodePort = 5020


ScriptServerPort = 50009

TimeFrameServerPort = 50010

PptRemoteServicePort = 50011

KioskBrowserPort = 50012

VertexNdiStreamerPort = 50014

ScriptServerUdpPort = 50019

WebAppWebSocketPort = 8080


 BroadcastIP = ""

 DiscoveryIP = ""