Vertex Remote Script API (Application Programing Interface)

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Vertex Remote Script API (Application Programing Interface)

the VERTEX Script API allows you to control VERTEX via third party applications or to built your own service that controls VERTEX

The API is based on TCP

The script server listens to all VERTEX Script Commands



Details and Settings

Protocol: TCP

Port: 50009
IP Address: Every VERTEX System in your Project has his own Script Server. Choose the IP from that System you want to connect to

Protocol: UDP

Port: 50019
IP Address: Every VERTEX System in your Project has his own Script Server. Choose the IP from that System you want to connect to

You can use all script commands and send them from external over the API to VERTEX
Script Commands have to be terminated with a carriage return
VERTEX terminates their answers also with a Carriage return.

informationCarriage return
Depends on how your external application works and  the carriage return is translated.
Could be \r, CR, or ASCI Code 0D (Hex) or 13(Decimal)


The VERTEX API ist based on the VERTEX own Script Command Language

Each Script Command that exists in your current VERTEX assembly version  could be sent via TCP to the VERTEX API

Read to Scripting Topic to learn more about how to write and use VERTEX Script Commands

Set Parameters

Opacity for Clip Container 1

ClipContainer1.Opacity.Value = 1\r

Mix Level of Playback1 in PME Live from to full - fade time should be 2 seconds

PME1.Playback1.MixLevel.FadeValue 1,5\r

Set Network Adapter for Art-Net™ on System 1 to "ETHERNET2"

System1.Settings.ArtNetAdapter.Value = ETHERNET2\r

Reset Video Inputs of System 2


Start and stop actions

Start Playback1


Stop Playback 3


Pause Playback3


Run Script 1


Return Values

Return current Timecode of Playback 1

return Playback1.TimeCode.Value\r

Answer from VERTEX:



Return a list of all Playbacks in current Project

return ListItems.Playback\r 

Answer from VERTEX e.g.:


warningReturn Values Via HTTP
Please keep in mind that web browsers do not process TCP directly. To request a return via HTTP, please use the following syntax:

Change Values

Show notes of clip container 6 in sequence 1 as Text of Textcontent item "Text1"

Text1.Settings.Text.Value = Sequence1.ClipContainer6.UserProperties.Notes.Value\r

Fade Mix Level of Playback1 in PME Live to full - fade time should be 2 seconds

PME1.Playback1.MixLevel.FadeValue 1,5 \r5

Advanced Settings

Script Server Authentication

For each Systems script server, you can activate an authentication by username and passwort
Both can be set for each System in the Inspector.
When enabled, the script server only will execute scripts, when a valid authentication was sent before.
Syntax for Authentication



Doublecheck, that there is no blank space between the characters!