Hardware Requirements

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Hardware Requirements

warningVERTEX is build to run on a 64 bit Windows platform only to ensure optimal performance for your System.
Platforms that are running on 32 bit CPU architecture are not supported.

Windows 10 & 11 (recommended: Pro or Enterprise)

64Bit CPU/ OS platform

Network Card (Ethernet strictly recommended!!) Minimum 1gb - 10gb recommended for e.g. content transfer

Graphic Card (Pro Level for complex rendering tasks, Gaming level for standard tasks)

free choice of your hardware: 

olow for standard playout tasks (e.g. kiosk modes or digital signage Systems)

ohigh performance hardware for live events or complex tasks

Additional ioversal io interfaces for DMX-512 or Timecode

SSD or even better NVMe Drive for Content handling and System folder

Recommended Hardware Requirements


VERTEX needs a balance between single-core speed and amount of CPU Cores. Ideal are single-core speeds above 4GHz and 8 Cores and more.

We do not recommend a dual CPU. Avoid dual CPU Systems - opt for a single CPU with high core speed


VERTEX requires a GPU compatible with Direct X11 or higher.Nvidia Quadro Cards are recommended for demanding projects with multiple outputs per System, but Nvidea GeForce Series or AMD work as well.

When working with a higher number of outputs or high resolution, try to test a NVidia Mosaic (or AMD Eyefinity) setup. Our internal tests indicates that these drivers perform significantly better on high number of screens or high resolutions as the OOTB-Windows solution.

Storage and RAM

VERTEX relies on fast data transfers.NVMe drives are recommended for compressed video playbacks and NVMe RAIDs for high performance uncompressed playback.

Fast System RAM is essential to all tasks. Opt for highspeed RAM as possible


Quick Tips

Consult with your local hardware partner to find the best solution for your project

When using notebooks, check that Microsoft Windows is using the dedicated GPU and not the internal one.

Notebooks acting as UI and Playout System will only work smoothly if the external and internal displays run on the dedicated GPU.
Using Notebooks in such a setup is not recommended and can lead to bad performance

Using multiple NVIDIA Quadro cards is possible but requires special skills for setup.

Check your Systems energy saving settings to ensure that no processor throttling is active

VERTEX supports standard audio devices as well as ASIO Devices. For reliable synchronization use ASIO enabled audio devices

Compressed Video Formats such as H264 and Apple ProRes depend more CPU performance than on the disk speed while uncompressed formats such as image sequences require fast storage

Virtual Machines

warningLicenses are not working on virtual machines and virtual desktops, except Bootcamp on Apple Hardware
The VERTEX License System does not support software installations that run on virtual machines.
It is not possible to activate a VERTEX License when Windows 10 is hosted by Virtual Box, VMware and Parallels.
Apple Hardware: When Windows is started with Bootcamp, the License is not blocked and VERTEX should run.